Jenny Krueger Memorial Scholarship
In 2024, PNWARS relaunched our scholarship program to deserving college students and we will do this in memory of beloved longtime PNWARS Board Member and forty year industry veteran, Jenny Krueger, who passed away in the fall of 2023.
The application is now closed for 2024. Our 2024 recipient will be selected and announced in the fall.
Please encourage any college students who meet the following requirements to apply!
* Applicants must be nominated by a member of PNWARS
* Student must live OR attend college within the PNWARS territory (Northern California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming, Alberta and British Columbia)
* Applicants must also be high school graduates and enrolled in a full-time undergraduate or graduate program
* Special consideration will be given to applicants enrolled in a transportation studies program
Thank you!
Amy Slay
Genesee & Wyoming Companies
PNWARS Scholarship Committee Chairman
PNWARS Board of Directors
Questions regarding this application can be addressed by calling the association office at 872-212-4134.
Scholarship FAQs
Scholarship recipients will be chosen from qualified students who meet the eligibility requirements, complete the application meeting all requirements, and submit before the application deadline. Scholarship applicants will be selected according to merit on a competitive basis. The scholarship committee will select the recipients by evaluating each eligible student’s academic performance, personal statement, commitment to the program in which they are enrolled, and community involvement in the way of extracurricular activities and employment history.
Awardee shall make satisfactory academic progress, according to institutional policies for students receiving federal Title IV aid, in order to receive disbursements throughout the year. All information including application information, essay, transcripts, recommendation letters, and referrals from PNWARS members are to be submitted electronically through the PNWARS website before the established deadline.
Eligibility requirements include:
* Applicants must be nominated by a member of PNWARS
* Student must live OR attend college within the PNWARS territory (Northern California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming, Alberta and British Columbia)
* Applicants must also be high school graduates and enrolled in a full-time undergraduate or graduate program
* Special consideration will be given to applicants enrolled in a transportation studies program